Categories: Transparency

Balance of Light and Darkness

I often find it hard to balance my light & darkness. & As the fall season begin it is forcing me to reflect over this past year.

As I reflect, I am developing a greater understanding of how much I need to befriend my inner darkness. There were a lot of dark times during the year for me, but I didn’t take the time to sit in that darkness with stillness nor appreciation that those dark moments were needed for a “level-up” of soul growth.

I always welcomed, and over extend to the lighter moments, without truly appreciating that the darkess moments made the lighter moments even better.

Truly learning and being within myself has been one of the hardest things I’ve done in life, besides natural child birth?, but being able to get to the R O O T of all things M E is one of the most rewarding feelings.

As I sit in darkness.
Right N O W.
In this moment.
I accept the transition that’s about to happen.
I accept the Stillness within my spirit.
I accept being on my O W N.

I’m also well aware that this will go over a lot of people’s heads, and that is okay. This is more so a reminder to myself.✨


Ophelia Talley

Published by
Ophelia Talley
Tags: Transparency

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